Healing Ministry


WitchWorks Healing Ministry is a global full service magickal collective serving English speakers, offering energy work for all your issues. There is 5D shift available for every issue, and WWHM has well over 10,000 hours of embodied facilitation experience for over 330 people since 2020 as a track record. WWHM offers oracle, pendulum, and tarot divination (including medical intuitive work), any intuitive guidance for when you need answers, spell work for all your intentions, bespoke by Christed divination/ handcrafted oils which are themselves healing spells, Ho’oponoponno prayer/ Violet and Emerald Flame- fueled quantum sound healing applied shadow work to shift illness and complex PTSD, clear you of 4D entities, attachments, cellular and genetic trauma, and your shadow qualities, break generational cycles, and clear bad subconscious programming and unfavorable soul contracts; WWHM does soul retrievals, distance ghost/ entity clearing for houses and businesses, 5D relationship healing and reconciliation, and whatever else you can think of.



Gratitude for helping with what has always been chronic because of autoimmune weirdness—amazed I have no swelling in my legs! I’m still marveling over the effect of WitchWorks Healing Ministry Quantum Healing session. And there is no more pain from the kidney stones since i left the emergency room, after the extra emergency session.

Britney C.

WitchWorks Healing Ministry helped me when people were racially attacking me for no reason other than hate in their hearts. She helped heal the shadows that were latched on to me. I needed that badly and now people have stopped attacking me and I’m moving into my own apartment in 4 weeks. I’m so happy i feel free.

Becca W.

So i played the audio sound healing session for about 16 hours, and WOW!!! Instead of feeling under dark attack, it feels extremely lighter throughout the entire house, and all my creepy chills have subsided. The only spirits here are my benevolent guides and ancestors. Amazing!

Jillian I.